Gowland's Heating & A/C Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heat pump replacement’

Why You Should Replace Your Heat Pump Earlier Than Expected

Monday, March 11th, 2024

If you’ve had a heat pump for quite a while and it’s still chugging along just fine, you might not be thinking much about replacing it just yet. After all, a replacement could be costly, and why would you do that if it’s not absolutely necessary? 

Alternately, perhaps you’ve got an air conditioner, and you like the idea of replacing it with a heat pump and cutting your heating costs by using it to warm your home as well as cool it, but you weren’t planning on investing in a heat pump right now. Is there any reason why now would be the ideal time to get a new heat pump? Actually, yes, there are some very good reasons, and we’ll tell you all about them.

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